Tips for Getting Motivated

No matter what stage of life, we all struggle with motivation at some point or another. Yet, motivation is crucial to achieve success. Here at Kazmer Perio, our desire to provide quality care motivates us each day.

So, next time you are pursuing a goal and find yourself lacking motivation, keep these words of wisdom in mind:

#1: Your motivation starts with you.


#2: Don’t let your age discourage you.


#3: Define your goals.


#4: Perseverance is key.


#5: You don’t have to rush.


#6: Don’t give up if you experience failure.


#7: There is always room for improvement.

Tips for motivation quotes (1)

#8: Surround yourself with people who support your goals.

Tips for motivation quotes


We can certainly attest to this piece of advice. There is such a wonderful team of people working here at Kazmer Perio!

We wish you the best of luck in accomplishing your goals. As you become motivated in other areas of your life, remember to take care of your smile!

5 Intriguing Spots to Visit in NC

Living a healthy lifestyle is about more than eating healthy and exercising. It is important that we all take the time to enjoy life. Traveling is one of Dr. Kazmer’s favorite hobbies, and is a great way to fill your life with new experiences. However, you do not necessarily have to travel far to go on a memorable vacation. Here are 5 places to visit that are right here in our state.


1. The Outer Banks

The Outer Banks is a wonderful destination for adults and kids alike who love the beach and beach-related activities. From beautiful beaches to relax on to fishing and lighthouse tours, there’s plenty for everyone to enjoy.


2. Grandfather Mountain

There’s plenty of beautiful scenery to admire at Grandfather Mountain. While visiting, vacationers can walk across the Mile High Swinging Bridge, go for a hike, visit wildlife habitats, and even grab a bite to eat at Mildred’s Grill.

3. The Greensboro Arboretum

If you love plants, visit the Greensboro Arboretum. According to Greensboro Beautiful’s website, this “17-acre site features 10 woody plant collections, special display gardens, and distinctive structural features.”


4. The North Carolina Zoo

The North Carolina Zoo is another great option for a day trip, especially if you love wildlife. It is “the largest ‘natural habitat zoo’ in the United States,” according to their website. The zoo features African, North American, and Aviary exhibits. There is also a Giraffe Deck!


5. Charlotte

This city is a great place to visit whether it is just for the day or for an extended vacation. It offers several shopping areas, restaurants, art museums, and even a NASCAR Hall of Fame.

Where will you visit this summer? There are good times to be had and memories to be made!

For more information on family-friendly places to visit in North Carolina, see this article from Carolina Parent.

Have a wonderful and safe summer. Don’t forget to take care of your smile!



Did You Know? 10 Interesting Facts about Dr. K & Kazmer Perio

It can be hard to get to know your doctor, especially when you only get to see him or her a few times a year. Like all of us, Dr. Kazmer is a regular guy with a family and hobbies. He also happens to be a periodontist with a practice that has its own special traditions. To help you get to know Dr. Kazmer and Kazmer Periodontics a little bit better, here are 10 interesting facts about the man behind the dentist’s mask and the practice that he owns.

1. Our practice has its own special shade of blue, something our Social Media Coordinator Maya likes to call “Kazmer Blue.”


2. Dr. Kazmer is a graduate of both Tufts University in Medford, MA and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Chapel Hill, NC. Go Jumbos! Go Heels!

Photo: “Tufts Universtiy” by Eric Kilby
Photo: “Old Well” by William Yeung

3. Our office celebrates employee birthdays with cake. Yum 🙂

Angela's Bday cake 2016.jpg

4. Dr. Kazmer and his wife Janet have 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls.


5. Dr. Kazmer is very adventurous and enjoys skiing, boating, scuba diving, and traveling with his family.


6. Dr. Kazmer has German roots.

Photo: “German flag” by fdecomite

7. Our office has been hosting an annual Oktoberfest celebration for 17 years now.


8. Dr. Kazmer was born and raised in Guilderland, NY (Albany County).

Photo: “Wormer Road – Guilderland, New York” by Doug Kerr

9. Speaking of Dr. Kazmer’s hometown, this is what he looked like as a child:

Dr. K as a child.jpg

10. Dr. Kazmer’s wife Janet has her own business, Preston Counseling Services. There is an entrance to her office within her husband’s practice.

Janet Kazmer.jpg

Did any of these facts surprise you? If so, let us know what you think in the comments below!

Have a wonderful rest of your week and take care of your smile!




50 Gift Ideas for People 50+


Now that it is the holiday season, shopping for gifts has become a priority for many people. However, it can be hard to find the right gifts for adults To help, here are 50 gift ideas for those ages 50 and older.

  1. Baked goods. The perfect gift for anyone with a sweet tooth! Just remind them to eat sweets in moderation and practice good oral care techniques.
  2. Homemade gifts. Gifts made by hand are often more personal and can cost less to make than buying a gift from the store would.
  3. Lotion & other body care necessities. The cold winter air can cause skin to dry out.Help your family and friends look and feel their best with gifts such as lotion, cuticle oil, and scented soaps. These types of gifts are great for the woman who loves to be pampered.
  4. Heating pads & other first aid supplies. Injuries arise when we least expect them. Give the gift of a first aid kit so that your loved ones will always be prepared in the event of an emergency.
  5. Easy to use toothbrushes and intradental cleaners. Electric toothbrushes take the hard work out of brushing your teeth. Items such as floss sticks are a suitable alternative for people who find it difficult to floss with string floss.
  6. Family pictures. Putting together a nice photo album for family or friends who live far away or do not get to see you often is the perfect way to help them feel a little bit closer.
  7. Candles.
  8. Flowers. 
  9. Jewelry. Craft fairs are a great place to search for one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces!
  10. Fruit. Give the gift of healthy, tasty fruit with a fruit bouquet or monthly fruit deliveries.
  11. Books. The perfect gift for a bookworm is a new book to enjoy while relaxing by the fire this winter!
  12. Board games / word puzzles. Word puzzles provide a fun challenge, and board games provide family  members and friends with opportunities for bonding experiences.
  13. Bingo. A timeless classic.
  14. Easy to use computer or tablet. For the senior who is interested in technology, but not all that familiar with it, user-friendly computers and tablets are best.
  15. A flat screen TV. 
  16. A large TV remote. Seniors sometimes have trouble reading small text. Buying them a larger remote with bigger, easy-to-read numbers and text will take some of the stress out of changing the channel.
  17. Pre-paid cell phone (with large buttons). A great gift for the senior who wants to be able to communicate with others on-the-go.
  18. Warm winter clothes. Winters in North Carolina can be quite frigid at times. Make sure that the seniors in your life have plenty of coats, sweaters, scarves, etc.
  19. Easy to put on shoes.
  20. Craft supplies. A great gift for someone who loves making things with their hands.
  21. Adult Coloring Books.
  22. Fitbits. These small devices keep track of your steps & more, making exercise more fun.
  23. Easy to put up holiday decorations. This will help those who love celebrate the holidays, but struggle with tangled lights and other heavy decor.
  24. Cookbooks. For the gourmet chef in your life.
  25. Coffee makers.
  26. Personalized Mugs. Make those love hot drinks feel special with a unique mug.
  27. Reading lamps.
  28. Personalized calendars.
  29. Robot floor cleaners. 
  30. A personalized water bottle. Encourage your loved ones to stay hydrated.
  31. A camera.
  32. A gas card.
  33. Restaurant gift card.
  34. Personal Emergency Response System.
  35. Bath Tub Remodel. It may be difficult for some seniors to climb in and out of the tub. Have their bath remodeled to have a door that opens so that they can simply step in and out.
  36. Shower  chair.
  37. A light-up magnifying glass.
  38. Stair climber. An option for those who are having trouble climbing stairs.
  39. New Recliner.
  40. A journal & pens/pencils that are easy to grip.
  41. Easy to use pill organizer.
  42. Massage chair/hand massager.
  43. Assistance with house/yard work.
  44. A watch with a bigger face.
  45. A small, low maintenance pet. Pets provide a sense of joy and companionship, but are a huge responsibility.
  46. Safe exercise equipment.
  47. Grocery store gift cards (& show them how to order groceries online).
  48. Foot baths.
  49. Electric fireplace.
  50. Time with family. Sometimes, the best gift is the opportunity to spend time with those you love.

Happy Holidays & Take Care of Your Smile!

In Case You Missed It: Oktoberfest 2016

Dr. Kazmer has been hosting an annual Oktoberfest celebration for 17 years now! While it is not nearly as big as the main Oktoberfest that is hosted in Germany every year, we’d like to think that our version is pretty fun, too! We sure put a lot of work into making it a success. In case you missed the festivities, here are the highlights of this year’s event.

1. The commemorative glasses were simple, yet still festive.


Attendees receive an Oktoberfest glass, and every year the design is different. This year’s design featured a beer mug surrounded by wheat and a blue checker pattern.

2. We gave away a lot of great prizes!



From pumpkin cookies to baskets filled with lotions and soaps, some of our lucky guests received wonderful goodies to take home!

3. We loved seeing everyone’s wonderful smiles!



Our guests are the best, and Oktoberfest certainly would not be the same without you all. Thank you for coming!

4. Pelican’s SnoBalls came to share their icy treats with us again this year! 


Mmm…looks good! 🙂


Pelican’s makes the best “SnoBalls” (similar to snow cones, but the ice is fluffier!) If you haven’t tried one yet, you’re missing out. Go visit a Pelican’s in your area!

5. It was the perfect time for our team to enjoy some quality time together!20160929_134656

Front row: (from left to right) Sarah, Ramona

Back row: (from left to right) Christy, Jennifer, Jill, Dr. Kazmer, Erica, Niki, Angela, Janet

Whether you attended this year’s celebration or not, we hope to see your office at next year’s Oktoberfest!!

As always, take care of your smile! 🙂

Trying Something New


Going out of one’s comfort zone to try something new can be difficult. While change can be difficult, trying something new can be a good thing – that’s how we learn, adapt, and grow. If you follow our office on social media, you may already know that we have made a change: for the month of July, our office is following a new schedule. It is amazing how even such a small change like this one can take some getting used to. So, as we here at the office experience something new, we want you to try something new, too. To get the ball rolling, here’s a list of ideas.

1. Make New Habits, Improve Your Dental Health

This is a dental blog, so we have to encourage you to take care of those pearly whites…even if you’ve heard “brush and floss” a thousand times :).  If you don’t already, make an effort to brush twice daily and floss once a day. You’ll likely see improvements in the health of your teeth and gums.


Tip: If you think you’ll forget to brush/floss, set a reminder on your phone!

Jill brushing teeth
Jill knows the importance of good oral hygiene!


2. Healthy Eating Doesn’t Have to Feel Like a Chore

Trading a piece of fried chicken for a spinach and arugula salad can feel like more of a punishment than a healthy choice. While we are not nutritionists, here are a few practices that have made eating healthier a little easier for those of us here at the office:

  • Add a little natural flavor to your water. Putting pieces of fruit (lemons, strawberries, kiwi, etc.) in your water can give it more flavor and make it more tolerable.
  • Choose a water bottle that you find visually appealing. While it may sound silly, several of us have cute water bottles and tumblers that we drink out of,  and having them with us has made us more willing to drink water!
  • Out of sight, out of mind. We are thinking of starting a rule where we don’t bring sweets into the office kitchen. If it’s not there, you won’t be tempted to eat it!
Kids with candy
When you are trying something new, don’t expect perfection all the time. It’s okay to break that diet every once in a while and eat some candy…especially if it’s Halloween. 🙂

3. Want to be stress-free?

Spend less time stressing and more time enjoying your day with these tips from

Tip: Did you know that stress is believed to be linked to bruxism (teeth grinding)?

Staff Christmas Selfie
Selfie time! Sometimes fun is the best stress reliever.

4. Exercise

Exercise is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle. If you have a busy schedule, finding the time to exercise may be a problem. Try slowly integrating exercise into your routine by going for a walk with a coworker during your lunch break or walking with family or friends after dinner. Set goals for yourself and take part in fun exercise challenges to keep yourself motivated.

5. Take Up a Hobby That You’ve Always Wanted to Try

Wheter its fishing, making jewelry, or painting, try a new hobby – you might just find something you’re passionate about.

6. Give Back

Charity and community service work can be incredibly rewarding. Find an organization that you can relate to, then find out how you can help. If you have trouble finding opportunities, visit VolunteerMatch.

We have collected old teeth, crowns, and restorations containing precious metals over the years. After sending them off to a refinery, we were able to make a donation of $1300 to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation!

Whatever you decide to try next, we wish you the best! If you have tried something new recently, tell us about in the comments below!

Take Care of Your Smile!


Dental Stories That Will Make You Smile

“We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” ~Ronald Reagan

The goal of any dentist is to help their patients. Any time a dentist is able to help someone (especially when they go above and beyond to do so), there is a reason to celebrate. So, let’s give a round of applause to these wonderful dental professionals who are making the world a better place – one smile at a time.

1. Pediatric Dentist Gives 4-Year-Old a Complete Smile

Madelynn Gore has ectodermal dysplasia, a genetic disorder that has left her without several of her teeth. Dr. Timothy Wright, a pediatric dentist in North Carolina, provided Madelynn with dentures that fill in the empty spaces. Now, the 4-year-old can smile with confidence. Read the full story on 

2. 858 Needy Patients Receive Free Dental Care

As part of an event called Mission of Mercy, dentists who are members of the Michigan Dental Association treated 858 needy patients for free. Overall, the dentists completed 4,742 produces. It is estimated that the cost of the treatments was about $987 per person. Learn more about this Mission of Mercy event by going to

3. Dentists Make Getting an Oral Cancer Screening Easy with Their Innovative Approach

Getting screened for oral cancer may sound scary, but Virginia dentists have proven that the process is quick and easy. Through their “Where’s the Chair?” campaign, dentists with the Virginia Dental Association have made an effort to encourage people to get screened for oral cancer. They simply take a dental chair to public places such as outdoor malls and street festivals and invite those who pass by to be screened through a process that takes just two minutes. Pretty neat, right? Read the full article on the American Dental Association’s website.

4. “Doggie Dentist” Helps a Puppy Achieve a Better Smile 

Most dentists treat human patients, but veterinarian Dr. James Moore is more concerned with the oral health of our beloved pets. When six-month-old puppy Wesley couldn’t close his mouth and stopped eating, Dr. Moore set out to fix the issue by giving the Golden Retriever braces. See pictures of the cheerful puppy with a metal-filled smile in this article by ABC NEWS.
Which one of these stories was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

And, as always, take care of your smile!

5 Things That Patients Think While at the Dentist

Happy Friday!

We may be a periodontal office, but we still know what it’s like to be a dental patient. After all, we here at Kazmer Perio have to go to the dentist, too. So, here are 5 things that patients often think while at the dentist. Sit back and get ready to laugh!

1. I haven’t flossed in a while. Maybe the dentist won’t notice.


For those who floss regularly, answering the dentist’s questions is no big deal. Others, however, may not have been keeping track. That’s okay, no one’s perfect.

2. I don’t have any cavities. Woohoo!


Whether or not you’ve had cavities before, I think we can all agree that hearing the dentist say that you don’t need fillings is a big relief. And a perfect excuse to treat yourself after the appointment – to something relatively healthy and low in sugar, of course. Apple slices, anyone?

3. What flavor of toothpaste do I want? Mint, definitely mint. 


While children may enjoy fun flavors like bubble gum, cinnamon, and cookie dough, most of us older folks prefer classic mint flavor.

4. I hope the hygienist doesn’t forget to give me my free toothbrush!


Everyone loves free stuff, right?

5. Phew. I can go home now.


Once the whole ordeal is over (hopefully your experience wasn’t actually bad), you are probably so ready to leave that you almost forget that you have to come back in six months. That is, until the receptionist asks when you would like to schedule your next appointment for.

Have a great weekend and take care of your smile!

*Memes inspired by popular memes on Internet