
No one wants to discover that they have a health problem. Even though it can be scary to think about, it is better to get the possible problem checked out so that treatment can be administered. If your dentist finds an area of concern in your mouth, he may recommend that you have a biopsy done.

What is a biopsy?

A biopsy is a procedure during which a small sample of or the whole area of concern is removed so that tests can be done to identify any possible problems.

Why would my dentist be concerned about an area in my mouth?

Abnormalities of the mouth are commonly referred to as lesions. According to dental health information site Simplesteps, lesions may:

  • Be caused by illness or injury
  • Appear unusual
  • be new bumps or patches of skin

Dr. Kazmer is proud to be able to offer biopsies. Discovering the problem is the first step to solving it.

If you would like to learn more about the procedures and treatments that Dr. Kazmer offers, read this article on our blog.

If you have any questions or concerns – or if you would like to schedule an appointment – please feel free to contact our office.

Take care of your smile!

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